Thursday, December 15, 2011

Whom do you Trust?

(Psa 20:7) Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Whom do you trust? Human life is full of needs and decision making is an integral part of our daily life. Our needs in life vary from day to day and from person to person. Though everybody is busy with their own priorities in life, still we are inter-dependent. We cannot live a secluded life without the help of others. As long as we live in this world we are directly or indirectly dependent on others and are also influenced by many of them.

In this fast paced world, which is also filled with competition and jealousy, we need to outperform others to be successful. Some are straight forward, hardworking and God fearing. Even though it is very challenging to live a Godly life due to oppressions and hardships, these children of God never look back to depend on the worldly resources. They continue to trust God alone and will only follow legal and ethical ways.

But, many others are crooked at heart, lazy and always look for short cuts to come up in life. These are the ungodly and their heart and life is full of evil. They don't depend on God. They live in the company of the wealthy, influential and strong armed people. Most of the times, they achieve what they want to achieve very easily. They are hard hearted and blind. Seldom they realise the pain and agony of others even as they continue to covet and swindle, other's genuine opportunities, rewards, properties and wealth.

But what about you?

In the end, it is the Godly who will have the last laugh and their moment of Joy, because God will be their refuge, strength and fortress. He not only delivers them from their trouble, but also puts them into eternal bliss filled with unlimited and unending Joy.


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