Friday, December 9, 2011


(Psa 20:1b)The name of the God of Jacob will protect you.

Those who believed and accepted the name JESUS were given the right to be called as CHILDREN of God. JESUS dwells in them and He is their refuge.

Have you accepted Christ as your personal Savior? Are you sure of your salvation? If so, you are under the banner JESUS the name above all names. Every knee shall bow before Him and every tongue shall confess that JESUS is the Lord. This name is all powerful and whatever you ask in this name according to the will of the Father, you will receive it.
Under the Blood of JESUS

Devil trembles before this name. As long as you stay right under the blood of Christ, you are safe and He will protect you. Don't get diverted and deviate from the Godly way of living. Don't compromise your living standards but let it be as per God's plan. Don't get allured by the wicked schemes of the devil. Always look up to the cross of Calvary and be content with what you have for today. Don't be greedy.  Greedy heart is a playground for the devil. So, when you remain in Christ, you are under His protection.

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