Thursday, February 9, 2012


Psa 29:11) The LORD gives strength to His people; the LORD blesses His people with peace.

Peace and Strength are blessings of inheritance promised and made available by JESUS to His children. He is the real source of them. But, unfortunately in today's world, people are running behind wrong ideologies and myths in search of peace. We are aware of many sad incidents about people ending their lives, when they failed in their quest for peace.

Different people will suggest different methods to find peace according to their beliefs. But GOD's word shows the true way. That way is JESUS Himself. HE is the way, the truth and life. He has promised His own peace which is above all understanding.

When you enjoy this inner peace you will also enjoy the inner strength to go forward even if the situations around are against you?  When your mind is strong, you will be able to overcome your physical weakness. You will be more than a conqueror. You will have the inner stability to take the right decisions and to stick on to your decisions without confusions. You can be clear about your convictions, only when you are filled with the peace of God.

This world can never give you this peace nor show you the way to find it. Traditional beliefs, religious rites and charity can never give you this real peace from God. No systems and procedures can yield you this. No amount of hard work or smart work or sacrifice can lead you to this. It is only when JESUS is given the first and best place in your heart, can bless you with His peace.

The only way for PEACE & STRENGTH is JESUS. He is the only source. But are you connected to Him? Remain in Him so that you can inherit these blessings.

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