Saturday, February 4, 2012


(Psa 28:3) Do not drag me away with the wicked, with those who do evil, those who speak friendly words to their neighbors while planning evil in their hearts.

Do your words and thoughts match? Are you known for flattering words smooth like honey but quite opposite in your action? That is hypocrisy. Wicked people are like that. They speak nice, soothing words to their neighbors, colleagues and friends. Even while they shake hands with a broad smile, deep inside their heart, they will be having wicked plans to destroy or to harm. God hates this act of hypocrisy.

Many times when you go to church or for a prayer meeting, you sing beautifully, worship emotionally and pray powerfully before others. It gives a great and positive impression about you to others. But when meet your colleagues or  worldly friends, you start speaking their language, crack jokes according to their taste to make them happy and to give them a good company. You change. You are having two personalities.

At this point, if anyone who was with you in the prayer meeting happens to see you or hear you totally different from what you were, they will be mislead, confused or depressed. You'll be a hindrance to them. So, don't act. Don't be a hypocrite.

Also, Beware of those who are friendly to u to fulfill their selfish and wicked plans. Don't partner with the wicked. God loves the sinners, but hates Sin. Be a godly person. God loves you so much. Reflect His qualities into this dark world. You are chosen by God to be His representative.

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