Friday, February 17, 2012


(Psa 31:10) Sin has drained my strength; I am wasting away from within.

Sin separated man from God and is still doing the same. As long as we dwell in our sinful ways, we cannot enjoy the Holy presence of God. Without Holiness, we cannot see God.

Anything that is against God's instructions is SIN. It will spoil the mind and corrupt the heart. It will suck the health of a person. Sinful habits and ways may be pleasant for the present but will be a horror in the future. Sometimes it will lead to instant death. But most of the times, it is a slow poison, killing the system without getting noticed outside and when is found, it will be too late.

Are you feeling drained out in your mind and body? Check your life whether you are dwelling in sinful ways or whether you are compromising with small small issues? Are you ignoring small mistakes before God with some self satisfying or self pleasing reasons and justifications? DON'T do that. 

There is nothing called small sin and big sin. SIN is SIN. As long as you dwell in your sinful ways, your future is not secure in the Lord. Leave your bad habits. Throw out anything and everything that is against God's heart. Don't compare with others. But check your life against the benchmark of God. Mend your ways. Start to live a Holy life. God is willing to help you live a holy life.


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