Wednesday, February 29, 2012


(Psa 32:4) Day and night Your hand of discipline was heavy on me. My strength evaporated like water in the summer heat.

God disciplines those whom He loves more. Like a father who disciplines his child, likewise our loving God disciplines us so that we can escape the eternal condemnation.

Man looks at the face. But God looks deep into your heart. Nothing is hidden to Him. Even your thought is known to HIm and if it is not correct, you can expect correction from HIm. His level of correction varies from being gentle to hard based on your response. His ultimate aim is to make you perfect and holy.

God's discipline will surely be a tough time to pass through but will do tons of good to your life. So don't murmur and grumble. Rather be polite to accept your shortcomings and mistakes and correct your life, so that your life will be a pleasing aroma to Him. Any correction will be painful at that moment but will bring in lots of Joy and Peace in the longer run. You are not an exception to this.. GOD LOVES YOU.

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