Wednesday, February 8, 2012


(Psa 28:9) Save Your people! Bless Israel, Your special possession.

ISRAEL was chosen by God to be a special nation for Him. God called the people Israel to be His own. He was zealous for them and was faithful in fulfilling the promises He made to Abraham. 

In these New Testament days, we children of God, are His chosen ones and a special possession for Him. God picked us up from the life of darkness into His glorious light by offering the life of His Son JESUS  as the price for our redemption. 

Dear Child of God, you are not an ordinary person. You are very special to God. You are important to Him. Don't feel sad, when your own family despises you. Don't lose heart when you are dumped by your friends and relatives. The stone that was rejected by others became the cornerstone. So don't worry. God can lift you up in the very same place where you had to put your head down. 

Just trust Him fully. Don't listen to the depressing words of the devil. Don't allow others to demotivate you. Always remember the fact, that God loves you and you are a special possession for Him. He will stand for you. Cheer up.

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