Monday, February 6, 2012


(Psa 28:5) Because they do not regard the works of the LORD nor the deeds of His hands, He will tear them down and not build them up.

Many people don't have the fear of God nor do they recognize the works of God. They never acknowledge the greatness of God neither are they thankful for the blessings from God. They seldom realize the importance of God's grace and mercy. They don't give credit to God for HIS help and favour.

They are too confident about their own skills and credit the success to their own knowledge, wealth, power, influence etc. They are too selfish to think about the oppressed and the weak. They are too hard to have soft corners for the needy and the poor. For them, only MONEY matters. They will go to any extend, even to the extent of hurting or killing others to achieve their goals.

They threaten the innocent, use strong hands to twist the weak and tease the meek. They don't bother about God and think that God is not listening or watching. They are the wicked in heart. But BIBLE says, GOD will tear them down and will never build them up.

What about you? Do you recognize, what God has done in your life?. Do you have the fear of God? Are you thankful to HIM for HIS mercies and favour? Acknowledge His hands that sustain you every day and His eyes that are watching over you to protect and to provide you. When you are GOD conscious, you will stay away from the evil and will do good. Don't be like the wicked in heart. Be a CHRIST centered person.

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