Friday, February 10, 2012


(Psa 30:1) I will exalt you, LORD, for you rescued me. You refused to let my enemies triumph over me.

This world is filled with people of different mindsets. Good and bad. Righteous and wicked. We are living in a competitive world and the fight for survival is everywhere. Peaceful days of living are becoming a distant memory. The behavior patterns of human beings are undergoing a negative change. People are becoming more selfish and greedy. The fleshy natures are seen more often and people are becoming less sensitive about that.

The social pressures for compromising the Christ like natures are on the rise and most of the time it ends up in earning enmity with others. Are you going through tough times to keep up your testimony in Christ? Are you surrounded by people who are waiting for your downfall or people who are devising wicked snares to pull you down and to destroy you?

Are you afraid of telling out the problems you are undergoing at the hands of your boss, your superiors or any other men? Are you socially, financially and sexually exploited by wicked people? Are you emotionally caged by selfish people who pretend to do good but sucking out the best from your life? Are you feeling too weak and lonely to fight the battle? Don't worry! Don't give up! It is not the end.

Turn to JESUS. Give yourself completely into His hands and allow Him to wage the battle for you. He will reverse every failure into success. He will subdue your enemies and shall make them flee from you in different directions. God will be our refuge and fortress when you are careful to remain in Him. He shall fight the battle for you. You may be surrounded by your enemies, but God will not allow them to triumph over you. The final victory will always be yours.  

JEHOVAH NISSI will protect and rescue you.

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