Monday, February 27, 2012


(Psa 31:20) You shelter them in Your presence, far from accusing tongues.

Devil is a liar and father of all lies. But, he is also known as an accuser. He  is known for accusing us with lies to God. He will accuse us with our past mistakes and make us feel guilty. He will keep reminding us about our past sins to make us feel bad.

Guilt is a silent killer. Are you being tormented with guilt? Don't feel bad. Remember that JESUS has already washed your sins with His precious blood and He doesn't see you as a sinner any more. For Him, you are a precious and purified child. So don't allow guilt to rule over you.

Be assured that your sins are forgiven and counted no more. Enjoy the freedom of the forgiven life in Christ. It's a new life. It's a free life.

Also, you should remember not to accuse your brethren. Be generous to forgive their mistakes against you as Christ had forgiven your past sins. Try to be in peace with all men. God bless you.

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