Tuesday, February 14, 2012

WEEPING through Night, JOY in the Morning

(Psa 30:5) For his anger lasts only a moment, but his favor lasts a lifetime! Weeping may last through the night, but joy comes with the morning.

We are living in the days of grace which is shown to us because of Love. Yes God loves us and He is patient to forgive us, correct us and help us to live a Holy and God pleasing life. He is a God of Love. Yet like a earthly parent He does get angry with us when we fail to listen to Him or when we disobey.

Even though He gets angry for a moment, yet the impact is so strong that puts us into very painful times of weeping and crying. But, when you realise your mistakes and repent, He is faithful and powerful enough to forgive your mistakes and bring back the moments of Joy.

Are you broken and battered because of your sinful past and the sorrowful present? Are you getting crushed by guilt feelings? Are you feeling lonely because of your filthy lifestyle? There is still HOPE for you. If only you realise your mistakes (big and small) and come back to JESUS with an open heart, He will restore your lost peace and Joy. Your weeping will pass away and a new day of JOY will dawn.

Will you come back to JESUS? He is waiting with His arms wide open to receive you.

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