Thursday, December 29, 2011

Purity in Hands & Heart

(Psa 24:3,4)Who may climb the mountain of the LORD? Who may stand in his holy place?
Only those whose hands and hearts are pure,who do not worship idols and never tell lies.

Even though we are chosen and called by God to be His own, yet we have certain responsibilities and obligations to make it to His house. 

1. Purity in Hands & Heart

Without holiness we can never see God. No matter how successful we are in this world or how big we are or how much we give to the Lord, the basic quality to see Him is Holiness unto Him. Holiness not according to your standard or worldly standards, but according to His standard. A holy life that is acceptable and pleasing to God matters the most. How holy are you?

Wednesday, December 28, 2011

We belong to GOD alone;

(Psa 24:1) The earth and everything it contains are the LORD's. The world and all who live in it are His.

God created this world and everything that is in this world were also created by Him. All the creations testify the greatness of God's wisdom. 

He created man in His own image and for a purpose. But unfortunately, man misused the liberty of decision making against the ways of God leading to sin and death.

Today satan is controlling the humanity by his deceptive ideas, desires and snares thereby keeping them under his bondage. But, God by His mercy sent His only son Jesus into this world to deliver us from the clutches of sin and satan and to enjoy a life of freedom.

Are you still under the bondage of satan? It's time to get delivered. You are destined for freedom in Christ and you belong to Him. You don't belong to this world or satan. Come to Christ. Get delivered and start living a free life in Him, living to the maximum according to the purpose of your creation.

Don't believe in the lies of the devil and don't allow yourself to be cheated again and again. Real LIFE is in CHRIST only. He is our creator and we rightfully belong to Him and Him alone.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Dwelling in the House of the Lord

December 27, WORD4ALL:  

(Psa 23:6) Surely your goodness and unfailing love will pursue me all the days of my life, and I will live in the house of the LORD forever.

The world we live now and all that we earn, save, store and accumulate will pass away. All our achievements and the milestones crossed will fade away. The relationship and family will also go away.

The one and only thing that will stay forever is Eternity!!!

But, The greatest blessing of having JESUS as our Shepherd is the Eternal Life with Him. When you accept Him as your personal Saviour and Shepherd, He not only forgives your past mistakes, but also gives us the grace to live a Holy life. He dwells within us and fills us with His unfailing Love. 

He works in our life to make us Holy like Him and to be acceptable before God the father. Finally He takes us to be with Him forever. We can live in the house of the Lord forever.. What a great moment of Joy it'll be..

The glory that awaits us is no way equal to the sufferings we'd to undergo in this world. So, Be bold. Don't compromise. Keep going.. Your reward in Heaven is glorious!!!

Sunday, December 18, 2011


(Psa 22:28) For royal power belongs to the LORD. He rules all the nations.

This is a prophecy about JESUS. Jews expected Jesus to come as a King and deliver them from the hands of Romans. So they couldn't accept Jesus, when He came as an ordinary human being. They went to the extent of crucifying Him. Now they are lamenting and crying for JESUS to come back again.

Though JESUS was crucified according to the 
prophecies foretold about Him, though it looks like a defeat or a set back, the reality is He conquered death and overcame SIN. He won over the bondages of the devil and paved the way for the whole world to experience the real freedom. He has revived the Hope to the hopeless and has saved all those who believed in Him. These are the people who are going to rule with HIM and will spent their eternal life in Heaven..

Now, the whole world is getting ready for His coming. YES! He'll come back as the King of Kings, defeat satan and his armies to establish His kingdom in this world. Are you ready to face Him when CHRIST returns? Will you be seen with JESUS?

Friday, December 16, 2011


(Psa 22:23) You that fear the LORD, praise Him; all you the seed of Jacob, glorify Him; and fear Him, all you the seed of Israel.

You are chosen by God to be His own even before you were formed in your mother's womb. Even when we were sinners, He gave His life for us and showed what real love is. He has paid a price for us to make us His own possession. 

He deserves our praises of thanksgiving for His great sacrificial love for us..

He is holy and He wants us to be Holy too. Without Holiness we cannot see God even if we are chosen. The more we grow closer to Him, the more we will be transformed to be like Him. He is holiness personified and is the only one who is worthy of glory.

God is a righteous God and He never compromises with sin. One side He is loving but the other side He is a fearful God, all powerful and righteous. He loves the sinners but hates sin. He should be feared the most.

So PRAISE HIM, GLORIFY HIM and FEAR HIM. It will keep you away from sin and draw you more closer to Him...

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Are you willing to trust HIM?

(Psa 22:4) Our ancestors trusted in You, and You rescued them.

For  generations, right from Abraham to Isaac and down the line, whenever the people trusted God fully for their needs, big or small, casual or urgent, God rescued them faithfully. He was always prompt in keeping up His promises and He was always on time. 

He is the same God yesterday,today and forever. He changeth not. He is the Omnipotent (All Powerful), Omnipresent (Present Everywhere) & Omniscient (Knows Everything) God. Nothing is hidden to Him. Nothing is impossible for Him. Distance is never an issue for Him.

But He comes to the rescue of only those who trust Him fully without any doubt. No matter how complicated your problems are, if and only if you can surrender and commit those areas into the hands of God completely, He will come to your rescue. He shall deliver you from your problems. He shall restore all that you had lost to the devil and to the evil snares of the enemy. 

Situations may look very grave. Things may not look favorable for you. But still trust GOD. He can change the tide in your favour. He will make those who stand against you to come by your side. He will fight the battle for you and you shall taste the victory. BUT,

Are you willing to trust HIM?

Whom do you Trust?

(Psa 20:7) Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the LORD our God.

Whom do you trust? Human life is full of needs and decision making is an integral part of our daily life. Our needs in life vary from day to day and from person to person. Though everybody is busy with their own priorities in life, still we are inter-dependent. We cannot live a secluded life without the help of others. As long as we live in this world we are directly or indirectly dependent on others and are also influenced by many of them.

In this fast paced world, which is also filled with competition and jealousy, we need to outperform others to be successful. Some are straight forward, hardworking and God fearing. Even though it is very challenging to live a Godly life due to oppressions and hardships, these children of God never look back to depend on the worldly resources. They continue to trust God alone and will only follow legal and ethical ways.

But, many others are crooked at heart, lazy and always look for short cuts to come up in life. These are the ungodly and their heart and life is full of evil. They don't depend on God. They live in the company of the wealthy, influential and strong armed people. Most of the times, they achieve what they want to achieve very easily. They are hard hearted and blind. Seldom they realise the pain and agony of others even as they continue to covet and swindle, other's genuine opportunities, rewards, properties and wealth.

But what about you?

In the end, it is the Godly who will have the last laugh and their moment of Joy, because God will be their refuge, strength and fortress. He not only delivers them from their trouble, but also puts them into eternal bliss filled with unlimited and unending Joy.


Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Desires of Your Heart

(Psa 20:4) May He grant your heart's desires and make all your plans succeed. 

Are you happy and content with what you have received from the Lord? Are you thankful to God for His mercies, help, guidance, protection and provision? Are you happy for what you have achieved so far? 


Are you still crumbling and mourning over the past failures, loss in business and work, life and family?

When we are faithful in acknowledging His grace and blessings over the little little things, He'll be happy and shall fulfill the desires of your heart.

It is only by His grace we can survive and sustain in this world. When we depend on this grace fully and do our part, He shall bless all our efforts and shall make your plans succeed. You shall be successful. Your sorrows will turn into Joy. Your failures will turn into success.  

Rejoice. Be thankful to God. He'll make you successful and grant your desires.

Friday, December 9, 2011


(Psa 20:1b)The name of the God of Jacob will protect you.

Those who believed and accepted the name JESUS were given the right to be called as CHILDREN of God. JESUS dwells in them and He is their refuge.

Have you accepted Christ as your personal Savior? Are you sure of your salvation? If so, you are under the banner JESUS the name above all names. Every knee shall bow before Him and every tongue shall confess that JESUS is the Lord. This name is all powerful and whatever you ask in this name according to the will of the Father, you will receive it.
Under the Blood of JESUS

Devil trembles before this name. As long as you stay right under the blood of Christ, you are safe and He will protect you. Don't get diverted and deviate from the Godly way of living. Don't compromise your living standards but let it be as per God's plan. Don't get allured by the wicked schemes of the devil. Always look up to the cross of Calvary and be content with what you have for today. Don't be greedy.  Greedy heart is a playground for the devil. So, when you remain in Christ, you are under His protection.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Hope in Times of Trouble

(Psa 20:1)The LORD will answer you in times of trouble. 

We are living in uncertain times. Problems are there in everybody's life. No one is insulated from going through tough times, chaotic situations, pain, agony etc. These situations are there for both good and bad, righteous and unrighteous, saint and sinner.

But, as a Child of God, the greatest hope for us is JESUS Himself. He is there to help us all the time. He is never busy to listen to our prayers. All that we need to do during our times of trouble is to call unto Him before calling for help from other sources. Then He will make things perfect for you. He will take care of all your worries. He will surely answer you in times of your trouble.

Most of the time we don't call Him. We seek the help of fellow men, family and other sources thinking that He may not respond on time. But BIBLE says, He is always watching over us and He never fails. So learn to depend on HIM all the time..

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Pure within and without.

(Psa 19:14) May the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing to you, O LORD, my rock and my redeemer.

What do you think about God, yourself and others? During the times of pain and agony, what were you confessing in your mind? We may put a good show outside, neatly dressed, giving a broad smile and talking pleasant words. People may be impressed with your manners and body languages. You may even be an inspiration to many others in adjusting and accommodating the unexpected happenings or disappointments by your kith and kin.

But deep inside you may be complaining, cribbing and cursing people. Even while you are shaking hands with a smile, your heart may be cursing or mocking the other person which is not seen outside.. BUT, be careful, God is watching that. He even knows our hidden intentions and attitudes. We cannot hide anything from God..

Sometimes we do negative confessions quite frequently . Are you a critic, tearing apart the performance of others and are you known for insulting others and making them feel miserable? Watch out..

God is an impartial Judge.. What you sow only you will reap. He repays according to our deeds and words..

Take a decision today. Make a covenant with your mouth and heart not to indulge in anything that is not pleasing and acceptable to God..

Check whether your thoughts and  words are pleasing to JESUS? 

Monday, December 5, 2011


(Psa 19:13) Keep your servant back from sins of pride. 

God honours the humble and is against those who are proud in heart. Pride makes us insensitive to God's word. Even if you listen to hundreds of messages, pride will make you numb to the edifying word of God. Pride will make us impatient. Tolerance will not be there. We may tend to become more arrogant. Our eyes will turn blind to many small as well as fatal mistakes we do. It will make us think that we are always right. It will make us critical of others all the time.

A proud person can never be corrected of his mistakes thereby leading to destruction. Remember, lucifer was thrown down from heaven because of his pride. king Nebuchadnezzar lost his kingdom because of his pride. King Herod was struck by the angel to death because he didn't give God the glory and started praising himself.

God hates the proud but gives grace to the humble. Get rid of your pride today and start enjoying your life in Christ by being humble. Only when we are humble, we can get God's grace to be free from SIN.

Friday, December 2, 2011

Witness to Wisdom

(Psa 19:7b) The witness of the Lord is certain,giving wisdom to the foolish.‬

                                    The Lord Himself testifies about His son. Yes, God's word is the most reliable witness about our Lord Jesus Christ. His words are Yes and Amen. These words are the real source of wisdom and understanding. Anyone who believes this will obviously spend more time with it. 
                                    The more we read it, the better our understanding will be about our Creator. God will open our spiritual eyes to see and experience the truth. The truth will deliver the person from the clutches of darkness and the lies of the devil. Even if a person is considered a fool according to worldly standards, God will transform him to be wise. 

Enjoy your life by spending more time with the word. Encourage others also to do it.   

Thursday, December 1, 2011

The Law of the Lord

(Psa 19:7a) The law of the Lord is good, giving new life to the soul. 

In this fast paced life which is full of competition and tight deadlines, every day is a tough battle for most of us. Working to the satisfaction of higher authorities, making both ends meet in our family life and maintaining the old and existing relationships etc. is becoming a herculean task. With the survival issue glaring before us, we tend to work more and more resulting in a situation of burn out. 

You may even feel weak and weary. But, what is the way out?

Only God's word can refresh you. But unfortunately, the first casualty in most of our life is the Quiet time with the Lord, where we get to read and meditate His word. It is not a ritual. But the real life line. If  you ignore this time, you will end up with spiritual dryness. 

Prioritize God to be first in ur daily life. Give importance to His written word. God will revive you and shall refresh you. 
Do you read God's word daily?

Wednesday, October 19, 2011


(Psa 10:17-18,HCSB)LORD, You have heard the desire of the humble; You will strengthen their hearts. You will listen carefully, doing justice for the fatherless and the oppressed, so that men of the earth may terrify them no more.

Our God is the Father to the fatherless and He gives hope to the hopeless. Anyone who is humble and submissive to HIM will enjoy His protection. Don't be terrified by the wicked. Set your eyes on JESUS alone. He will be your refuge and hope.

Monday, October 3, 2011


(Psa 10:16,GNB) The LORD is king forever and ever. Those who worship other gods will vanish from His land.

Our God is an eternal God. He is the King of Kings and Lord of Lords. He reigns forever. He is GOD. He alone is GOD. Anything and anyone who tries to take the place of GOD, or anyone who worships the creation as GOD will be banished by HIM into eternal fire. Be careful to give all glory and honor to this KING, for He alone is worthy to be praised.

Learn to Depend on God

(Psa 10:14,GNB)You take notice of trouble and suffering and are always ready to help. The helpless commit themselves to You; You have always helped the needy.

God is always willing and capable to help the poor and needy. He said, seek and you shall find. Ask and it shall be given.When people who go through troubles and difficult situations, He is ready to help them, provided they turn their heart to Him, He will never let down those who depend on Him fully. Do not keep HIM as a standby.

Friday, September 30, 2011

God Hates the Wicked II

(Psa 10:2-10,GNB)Part II: 
5. Their speech is filled with curses, lies, and threats; they are quick to speak hateful, evil words. 
6. They hide themselves in the villages, waiting to murder innocent people. 
7. They spy on their helpless victims; 
8. They wait in their hiding place like lions. They lie in wait for the poor; they catch them in their traps and drag them away. 

Leave the wickedness, turn to the Lord & be humble. He will bless you.

God Hates the Wicked I

(Psa 10:2-10,GNB) Part I: 
1. are proud and persecute the poor;
2. are proud of their evil desires; 
3. do not care about the LORD; in their pride they think that God doesn't matter.
4. succeed in everything. They say to themselves, "We will never fail; we will never be in trouble." 

Self check ur life, whether any of these wicked things is found in your life. IF so act quickly and take corrective action. God hates the wickedness of people.

Thursday, September 29, 2011


(Psa 9:18,GNB) The needy will not always be neglected; the hope of the poor will not be crushed forever.

God is the creator of this world and is our Provider.Yet sometimes we go through situations of neglect and need.With all the worldly resources closing down or getting exhausted, we may go through desperate situations.No one seems to be really bothered abt us. Still, don't give up. Help is near. He will surely meet your needs you will not be neglected forever.

Monday, September 26, 2011

Sin & Death

(Psa 9:17,GNB) Death is the destiny of all the wicked, of all those who reject God. 

Death means separation. Since God is Holy, anyone who is sinful and wicked will also loose the presence of God in their life. Without God, there is darkness and curse. When people continue to live a sinful life, rejecting God, they will be permanently thrown into the lake of fire which is the second death. Be careful. Don't dwell in your sinful ways. Come out of it. Warn others too.

God Looks at Your Intentions

(Psa 9:15,NLT) The nations have fallen into the pit they dug for others. Their own feet have been caught in the trap they set.

Any person or nation devising evil snares will themselves fall into that trap. This is proven again and again in world history and in the life of individuals.God is watching over ur intentions and actions.Nothing is hidden to God. Be a person of good heart. Always do good in the lives of others and enjoy the goodness of God in ur life.

Sunday, September 25, 2011

The Steadfast Love of GOD

(Psa 9:10,CEV) Everyone who honors Your name can trust You, because You are faithful to all who depend on You.

Our God is steadfast in His love and is faithful in fulfilling His promises. He never changes. He is the same yesterday, today and forever. Bt what about your faithfulness? How strong and consistent are you in loving God and trusting in HIM? Does your faith depend on feelings and the things you see around or on the written promises of God? Don't b wavery and fragile in faith.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011


(Psa 9:7,ESV) But the LORD sits enthroned forever; He has established His throne for justice 

Our God is loving, kind, merciful and gracious on one side. On the other side, He is Holy, impartial, zealous and just. He is all powerful and is everlasting. He is in control of the whole universe and He will deliver justice to His people. He will condemn the evil. He is righteous and will not spare the wicked. Prepare to meet this God face to face. He is coming to judge.

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

LORD: The Shelter

(Psa 9:9,NLT) The LORD is a shelter for the oppressed, a refuge in times of trouble.

Christian way of living will not be like a bed of roses. It has both ups and downs, good and bad, easy and tough times.We need to carry the cross in life to follow Jesus.You may be oppressed and put to testing times in the family, place of work or study because of your faith life in Jesus. But don't worry. He is our refuge. Run to HIM for help and seek His face alone. He will never let you down.

Saturday, September 17, 2011

The Joy of the Lord.

(Psa 9:2,NLT) I will be filled with joy because of You. I will sing praises to Your name, O Most High.

The very fact that we are God's children and He has taken control of our life should remove all anxieties  from your life and should fill you with His Joy. Don't be worried about your future or be anxious about anything. Rather, submit everything to God in thanksgiving. He'll make everything perfect concerning your future. Rejoice. Be glad singing praises to His name.

Praise GOD with All Your Heart

(Psa 9:1,NLT) I will praise You, LORD, with all my heart; I will tell of all the marvelous things You have done.

The Lord dwells among Praises and loves to hear our praises. He alone is worthy to be praised. Are you grateful to GOD for all His blessings in your life? Are you talking about HIS greatness and love to others?  When you are enjoying His Provision and Protection, God expects you to tell about HIM to others. If you don't tell about God & HIS blessings, who else will tell?


(Psa 8:3-5,LITV) When I look upon Your heavens, the work of Your fingers: the moon and the stars which You have fixed; what is man that You are mindful of him, and the son of man, that You visit him? For You have made him lack a little from God and have crowned him with glory and honor.

Unworthy and nothing are we before our creator God.Yet He is mindful of us.The very fact that 'He has made us in His image with the free will to decide shows His love for us. "You are really special to Him".

Justice from the LORD.

(Psa 7:14-17,GNB) See how wicked people think up evil; they plan trouble & practice deception. But in the traps they set for others, they themselves get caught.So they are punished by their own evil & are hurt by their own violence.I thank the LORD for His justice;

Don't follow the ways of the wicked. Don't try to take revenge on others for their evil acts. Rather leave those things to God and forgive them.Then you will also be forgiven and blessed by God.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Salvation is free thru JESUS CHRIST. But Repentance is a command. Anyone who ignores this or refuses to repent will be condemned to eternal death. God's reaction to such people is as follows.

(Psa 7:12-13,NLT) If a person does not repent, God will sharpen His sword; He will bend and string His bow. He will prepare His deadly weapons and shoot His flaming arrows. 

Tell your near and dear about this important command of God and also share the good news of Salvation.

Thursday, September 8, 2011


(Psa 7:11,NIV) God is a righteous judge, a God who expresses his wrath every day. 

One side God is loving, gracious, forgiving and patient. But on the other side He is a consuming fire. He takes revenge against the evil with vengeance and will punish us for our wrongdoings. Don't take His silence for granted and don't mistake His patience with you. He is giving you yet another opportunity to change. Everyday will not be the same. Be submissive and correct yourself to avoid His wrath.

Wednesday, September 7, 2011


(Psa 7:10,NIrV) The Most High God is like a shield that keeps me safe.He saves those whose hearts are honest.

God is our refuge  and ever present help in trouble. Safety is sure with God even when we are alone. He watches over us all the time and will neither sleep nor slumber. He will never fail, but will provide for all that we need in life. Be of strong faith and don't allow situations to bring doubt in your mind. Just be sincere and honest in following HIM.

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

GOD Looks At the Heart

 (Psa 7:9,NIrV) God, You always do what is right. You look deep down inside the hearts and minds of people. 

Our God is all powerful. We can hide things from this world but not from God. He knows even our secret thoughts. We can act before people as if we are good. But when it comes to God, He looks down into our heart & mind to know our attitude and  intentions. He analyses them and decides whether we are right or wrong. Beware of this. No one can cheat HIM.

Monday, September 5, 2011

The Righteous Judge.

(Psa 7:8,NLT) The LORD judges the nations. Declare me righteous, O LORD, for I am innocent, O Most High! 

The Lord God is a righteous judge. He is impartial and will judge the world. He is going to come back soon. Are you accused of wrongdoings and penalised for no mistake of yours? People may mistake you and may even think that you are crooked. But don't worry. The Lord will declare your innocence and shall reward you for your righteous life. Keep going and don't lose your focus.

A Clear Conscience.

(Psa 7:3-5,NLT) O LORD my God, if I have done wrong or am guilty of injustice, if I have betrayed a friend or plundered my enemy without cause, then let my enemies capture me. 

David was very clear in his conscience before God. So he could give a daring suggestion to handed over to his enemies, if found wrong. How abt us? How clear is our heart and life before God and men? Can we be as confident about our life like this? If not, it is time for overhauling and correction.

Friday, September 2, 2011

GOD Will Fight for You.

(Psa 6:10,NLT) May all my enemies be disgraced & terrified. May they suddenly turn back in shame. 

Are you surrounded by enemies and wicked people who are waiting for your destruction? Are you terrified because of them? Look upto God alone for help. When God becomes your refuge and shelter, your safety is assured. God shall terrify them and they will be ashamed and then turn away from you in disgrace. God will fight for you. Battle belongs to the Lord and the Victory belongs to you.

The LORD Listens to His Children's Cry

(Psa 6:8-9,NIrV) The LORD has heard my sobbing. The LORD has heard my cry for His favor. The LORD accepts my prayer.

Are you crying in secret? Sobbing silently in your bed at night? Not knowing whom to share your problem and ask for help? Don't worry. Cheer up. The Lord watches over you and He listens to ur silent cry. He will not let you down. He will give the answer to your problem. He will deliver you. Trust Him and be Happy. Your mourning will turn into Joy.

Waiting Desperately For the LORD's Touch??.

(Psa 6:2-3,GNB) I am worn out, O LORD; have pity on me! Give me strength;I am completely exhausted & my whole being is deeply troubled.How long, O LORD, will You wait to help me?

Have u been waiting for too long to be healed? Do you feel tired and totally exhausted? Are you afraid that God has forsaken you.? Don't lose heart. He willingly allows you to go through testing times just to refine you and to make you strong in faith. He knows your future and allows pain, if it is beneficial for you.